Bayou Grande Marina



*Adjusted Hours of Operation due to power outage:
Bayou Grande Marina:
Marina & Storage Office
Holidays: Closed

Bayou Grande Marina: 850-452-4152
Sherman Cove Marina: 850-382-3855
Dry Storage or Wet Slips call 850-490-3881 or 850-824-1310


Monday - Thursday
Friday- Sunday & Holidays 0800-1800 
Group rentals (of 10 or more) earlier than 1200 on Monday-Thursday can be arranged in advance by calling the facility. 
Last Rental: 1630 due back by 1730

*Seasons are based on daylight savings time.

Marina Administration: Monday - Friday 0800-1600

NOTE: Facility/Rental hours may be adjusted on days of inclement weather.

Bayou Grande Marina is located at the northeast corner of NAS PENSACOLA.  Established in 1966 at the old seaplane maintenance ramp, the bayou provides excellent moorings sheltered from most unfavorable weather conditions.

Eligible Patrons:

Military rates are for Active Duty (plus dependents), Retirees (plus dependents) and VA service connected disability veterans. 
DoD rates are for DoD Civilian Employees and full-time Contractors. 


Bayou Grande Marina offers 205 wet slips with the following amenities. 

  • Slip sizes from 12’ X 30’ to 15’ X 50’ with capability to support some larger/greater beamed catamarans.
  • Power service at 30 amp or 50 amp levels.
  • Pump out is currently through the use of a hand cart, with plans to upgrade to on-dock service.
  • Restroom, shower and laundry facilities are available 24/7
  • The former seaplane ramp allows for launch and recovery of most trailer able vessels, the extended ramp allows for boats with greater drafts.
  • The former seaplane apron provides a large area with no overhead obstructions, and multiple tie down points for those inclement weather days.
  • Ample trailer and car parking is available on a first-come first-served basis.
  • A “marina lounge” was recently added and is available for marina patron use into the early evening hours. With local broadcast TV, a free lending library, coffee mess, and ample seating it is one more way to enjoy your time at the marina.
  • A Marina host is on premises 9 months of the year to assist with any after hours needs.

COMING SOON: A Marina store to support your safe boating and maintenance needs.

Wet Slips Rates:

Military - $10 per foot per month
DoD - $11 per foot per month

Transient Slips Rates:

Military - $1.50 per foot per night
DoD - $2 per foot per night

Fees are designed to support our military community and encourage on water recreation. These prices currently includes water and power, but may be subject to change.

Dry Storage:

Bayou Grande Marina has over 200 dry storage spaces for your property.  Camp trailers, trailerable boats, RV’s, utility trailers, or whatever you have on wheels that you need to store away from your living space.  Additionally we have over 30 “transient” (up to 90 days) short-term storage spaces to meet the needs of those leaving or arriving soon or just passing through our area.  Most spaces are 15’x45’ and can accommodate just about anything we’ve seen on wheels.  We even have a limited number of covered storage spaces  (limited availability with a long wait list), and beach storage spaces for those items you can launch from the beach, and/or do not require a trailer or ramp to launch. Dry storage monthly rates are as follows. 

Dry storage:                         Beach storage:
Military - $55.00                   Military - $30.00
DoD - $56.00                        DoD - $35.00

Short or long term storage is available, for more information please call 850-452-4152.


Launch Ramp:

Launch fees are on an honor system with fees comparable to facilities outside the gate, a drop box on the marina door allows the ramp to be available at all times.  We also have Monthly RAMP PASSES, to cover all your launch and recovery options.

Launch fees:

Military: Monthly $15 or Daily $5
DoD: Monthly $20 or Daily $6

There is a rinse down area located at the south end of the parking lot, it is designed to accommodate 2 vessels.



Please click here to view Bayou Grande Marina price list.

Please click here for authorized locations to fish on NAS Pensacola. 

At Bayou Grande Marina we rent vessels, prices are based on; the following reservation time slots:

We have the following equipment available:

The original Waterman’s way to get around, a single paddle platform mainly for one individual but can be for 1-2 individuals (one working one riding) to get out and get an upper body/core workout while enjoying time on the water.

1 & 2 person Kayaks, designed for sitting and paddling, providing upper body and core workout.  Our kayaks allow you room enough to take lunch or other equipment along while exploring the bayou and outlying sand islands.

These single person kayaks are wider and more stable allowing you to stand up and cast with a fishing pole.  They also work well for families desiring to take a child along while enjoying a day on the water as they can sit/stand behind the seat and hold on, often more comfortably than other kayaks.  These kayaks have peddle drive propellers that operate like a bicycle, which offers a great leg work out, but we send you with a paddle as well, so it could become a full body workout.

We have two Hobie sailing Kayaks, one single and one double.  These boats have the Hobie Mirage drive, like a peddle drive, but with fins, it also has a loose footed sail to make your day on the bayou a bit easier. The double has netting between the outriggers making it ideal for a family outing for two adults and two children.

For the more experienced or more adventurous we have sail boats.   


Experienced sailor? You only need show us your skills.

You can challenge our skills requirements by scheduling an appointment when the staff can evaluate your abilities to operate our vessels. 

The minimum skills that need to be demonstrated on bulk of our vessels are:

Mate A - Tacking, Jibing, Righting the vessel.
Skipper B - Must also show the ability to “Reef” and shake out the main.

Documentation from another sailing certification agency is also always a help.


No sailing experience? We can help you change that.

SAILING LESSONS:  Regularly scheduled classes for the “Mate “A” certification are available.  Classes are currently limited to 5 students due to COVID restrictions. 
Classes are scheduled on Fridays and Sundays, and take approximately 5 hours.

Skipper “B” classes are scheduled as needed, a minimum of 10 hours operating our mate “A” vessels before requesting a class.

KEEL BOAT (Catalina) instruction is scheduled on an as needed basis, 10 hours in the “Skipper B” vessels is required before requesting.

Private and group Lessons are available, please contact the Marina for details and availability.

FEES FOR CLASSES ARE AS FOLLOWS; All fees must be paid at time of scheduling

                              Military              DoD
       Mate “A”        $35.00              $35.00
       Skipper “B”   $45.00              $45.00

Catalina Familiarization: Is included as part of the rental
HINT: Brush up on your knot tying, you’ll need – and we’ll teach you to tie a; Bowline, Figure eight knot, and a Reef/Square knot



Bayou Grande Marina, has one ongoing event, weather permitting, “The Full Moon Float” On the date of the full moon we keep the facility open as the sun sets, and the moon rises.A unique opportunity to be on the water after dark and enjoy a different aspect of on water recreation. We have been offering “Thursday nightBragging rights” sail races, bring your friends and see who can prove their skills in a simple three leg course, upwind, downwind, and crosswind. No prizes, no real scoring just “bragging rights” —till the next week. We are looking to start a monthly event, “Sunday on the Bay.” One day a month we will allow all water craft out of the bayou to experience a larger world of play.

Additional Amenities:

Beyond the practical aspects of the marina there are other fun activities to consider;

Unfortunately hurricanes SALLY decided to do some redecorating so the space is currently unavailable, please watch this space as we go forward with restoring and improving this 85 person event space, making it more appealing and serviceable for various occasions.

It is an excellent venue, with wonderful views and well suited for all events from off-site meetings or training sessions to advancement celebrations, birthday or anniversary celebrations and more. We hope to be your first choice location for these types of events—once we’re back.

Unfortunately, Hurricane Sally has altered our ability to offer all this location once afforded but the point’s location, east of the golf course and west of the marina offers a tranquil area to relax in the sun and enjoy the waterfront views.The fishing platform offers an on base location to try your hand catching some of Florida’s game fish.Be careful though, I hear there are several snags that are hard on your tackle.

A hidden piece of wilderness on the otherwise developed Air Station. Short that it maybe, there have been foxes, osprey, even a bobcat sighted in the past, perhaps you’ll be the next lucky hiker.

Beyond all the on water activities we offer we have several “yard games”; Giant Jenga, Connect 4, horseshoes and corn hole, even oversized checkers.We know that from time to time, you just want to hang out and be within, but away from the structure of NAVAL service, we want to help you find that space, come see us.

Mother Nature also puts on some spectacular shows at sunrise or set. The view of the Pensacola waterfront is also unlike any other place on the base. So please come and enjoy your MWR Marina.

We are striving to be the “Premier Military Marina on the Gulf Coast” you get to decide if we achieve that and your help in doing so is greatly appreciated.  

So check back often and see what new and interesting ideas we come up with for your on water recreation at Bayou Grande Marina — “Your Gateway to Play On Pensacola Bay”

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