Tickets & Travel
Need a vacation? The Tickets and Travel Office is the place to start planning! The possibilities are endless at Tickets and Travel! Visit the happiest place on Earth by getting discounted passes and tickets to Disney World and other Orlando attractions! Tickets and Travel also offers discounted tickets to attractions nearby in Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and more! You can also book the cruise of your dreams or an all-inclusive resort at discounted rates. Don’t forget to ask about hotel accommodations, dining recommendations, and leisure activities while you’re at the office!
Why purchase tickets through Tickets & Travel?
- Great prices
- Exclusive offers
- No additional fees (no tax, facility fees, etc.)
- No long lines
- Personal customer service from real people
The Tickets and Travel Office is near the Commissary and Navy Exchange mall off Highway 98 and adjacent to the packagestore. Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The office is closed on the weekend and holidays. All prices, tickets, and hours are subject to change.